State Employment Services


Veterans can find employment information, education and training opportunities, job counseling, job search workshops, and resume preparation assistance at state Workforce Career or One-Stop Centers. These offices also have specialists to help disabled veterans find employment.



Educational and Vocational Counseling Services


The Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) program provides educational and vocational counseling to service members, veterans, and certain dependents (U.S.C. Title 38, Section 3697).  These counseling services are designed to help an individual choose a vocational direction, determine the course needed to achieve the chosen goal, and evaluate the career possibilities open to them.


Assistance may include interest and aptitude testing, occupational exploration, setting occupational goals, locating the right type of training program, and exploring educational or training facilities which can be utilized to achieve an occupational goal.  Counseling services include, but are not limited to, educational and vocational counseling and guidance; testing; analysis of and recommendations to improve job marketing skills; identification of employment, training, and financial aid resources; and referrals to other agencies providing these services.


Eligibility for this service is based on having eligibility for a VA program such as Chapter 30 (Montgomery GI Bill); Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment); Chapter 32 (Veterans Education Assistance Program – VEAP); Chapter 35 (Dependents Education Assistance Program) for certain spouses and dependent children; Chapter 18 (Spina Bifida Program) for certain dependent children; and Chapter 106 and 107 of Title 10.


Educational and vocational counseling is available during the period the individual is on active duty with the armed forces and is within 180 days of the estimated date of his or her discharge or release from active duty.  The projected discharge must be under conditions other than dishonorable.  Service members are eligible even if they are only considering whether or not they will continue as members of the armed forces.  Veterans are eligible if not more than one year has elapsed since the date the individual was last discharged or released from active duty.


Veterans and service members may apply for the counseling services using VA Form 28-8832, Application for Counseling.  Veterans and service members may also write a letter expressing a desire for counseling services.  Upon receipt of either type of request for counseling from an eligible individual, the VR&E Division will schedule an appointment for counseling. Counseling services are provided to eligible persons at no charge.