You Be The Judge     
Based upon the insight you have just read, please read the two transcripts below.  One veteran received a diagnosis for PTSD, the other did not.    
Below is a transcript from a recent PTSD evaluation.     
Psychologist:  “How are you doing today Mr. Smith?”    
Mr. Smith:  “I feel ok Doc.”    
Psychologist:  “How’s your sleep been?”    
Mr. Smith:  “I sleep pretty good Doc.  About 7-8 hours a day.”     
Psychologist:  “Any dreams.”    
Mr. Smith:  “None that I can remember.”     
Psychologist:  “You drinking?”    
Mr. Smith:  “An occasional beer with my friends.”    
Psychologist:  “What about driving?  Any issues on the road?”     
Mr. Smith:  “No.”     
Psychologist:  “Are you ok with large crowds?”    
Mr. Smith:  “No problem Doc.  They excite me.”    
Note:  This veteran did not get a diagnosis of PTSD.   
On the other hand, read the transcript below.  This veteran received a diagnosis of PTSD.     
Psychologist:  “How are you doing today Mr. Jones?”   
Mr. Jones:  “I feel like crap.  I’m tired.  I can’t concentrate.  I feel angry all of the time.”    
Psychologist:  “How’s your sleep?”    
Mr. Jones:  “What sleep?  I can’t get any.  I barely get two hours.”    
Psychologist:  “Any dreams?”    
Mr. Jones:  “When I do zonk out, I dream about firefights.  I keep having similar dreams about different firefights I was in.  It’s ridiculous.”     
Psychologist:  “You drinking?”     
Mr. Jones:  “It is the only way I can get some sleep.  I’m not addicted, I just need a beer or two so I can take the edge off and fall asleep.”    
Psychologist:  “What about driving?  Any issues on the road?”     
Mr. Jones:  “I only drive at night.  At night I don’t have to deal with all of the idiots on the road.”     
Psychologist:  “Are you ok with large crowds?”    
Mr. Jones:  “Hate them.  I get nervous.  Can’t trust the people.”      
Note:  Mr. Jones received a rating of 100% for service-connected PTSD.          
Next:  Part II – Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

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