Service-connected Disability- Agent Orange

After living in a state of denial for decades, my health took a downturn with melanoma. I had no health insurance, so applied with the VA and was accepted. During all the tests that I underwent, it was discovered I had prostrate cancer. Agent Orange presumptive. I was totally shocked by this diagnosis. My primary care physician called me and told me to apply for service connected pension.  I did so and received approval within two months. TWO MONTHS. Am now receiving 100% service connected pension. As far as combat is concerned, I would like to tell Doug Nelson, a fellow signal guy, that he was not "NON-COMBAT". There are combat arms MOSes, and COMBAT MOSes. YOU ARE A COMBAT VETERAN, Doug, and don't you forget it. We had our antennas blown up too.  Scary. Glad we weren't using whips, otherwise I wouldn't be here typing right now.

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