Re-employment Rights


A person who left a civilian job to enter active duty in the armed forces is entitled to return to the job after discharge or release from active duty if they:


1.  Gave advance notice of military service to the employer.


2.  Did not exceed five years cumulative absence from the civilian job (with some exceptions).


3.  Submitted a timely application for re-employment.


4.  Did not receive a dishonorable or other punitive discharge.


The law calls for a returning veteran to be placed in the job as if they had never left, including benefits based on seniority such as pensions, pay increases and promotions. The law also prohibits discrimination in hiring, promotion or other advantages of employment on the basis of military service.  Veterans seeking re-employment should apply, verbally or in writing, to the company’s hiring official and keep a record of their application. If problems arise, contact the Department of Labor’s Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) in the state of the employer.


Federal employees not properly re-employed may appeal directly to the Merit Systems Protection Board. Non-federal employees may file complaints in U.S. District Court.



Army Reserve Warrior and Family Assistance Center


The Army Reserve Warrior and Family Assistance Center (AR-WFAC) provides Army reserve soldiers, veterans, families, and units with a single source to resolve situations related to medical issues and education on programs available to Army reserve soldiers. The center was established in 2007 to ensure that reservists receive appropriate support under the Army Medical Action Plan. The center provides a sponsor to each Army reserve soldier and family currently assigned to a Warrior Transition Unit, Community Based Health Care Organization, or VA PolyTrauma center.  The AR-WFAC also assists Army reserve commands at all echelons with the resolution of medical and other issues and provides education on programs and benefits available to Army reserve soldiers.



National Guard Transition Assistance Advisors


The Transition Assistance Advisor (TAA) program places a National Guard/VA-trained expert at each National Guard State Joint Forces Headquarters to act as an advocate for Guard members and their families within the state.  They also serve as an advisor on Veterans Affairs issues for the Family Programs and Joint Forces Headquarters staffs.  TAAs receive annual training by VA experts in health benefits for both Department of Defense and Department of Veterans Affairs and help Guard members and their families access care at VA and TRICARE facilities in their state or network. The TAA works with the State Director of Veterans Affairs and other state coalition partners to integrate the delivery of VA and community services to Guard and Reserve veterans. You can reach your Transition Assistance Advisor (TAA) through your state National Guard Joint Forces Headquarters.