June 15, 2010 
VA Makes Filing Claims Easier and Faster for Veterans
Simpler Forms and New Program Reduce Paperwork and Speed Process                                                                 
WASHINGTON – As part of Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki’s effort to break the back of the backlog, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is reducing the paperwork and expediting the process for Veterans seeking compensation for disabilities related to their military service.                                            
“These reductions in paperwork, along with other improvements to simplify and speed the claims process, symbolize changes underway to make VA more responsive to Veterans and their families,” said Secretary Shinseki.

VA has shortened application forms to reduce paperwork for Veterans. The new forms, which are being made available on VA’s Web site include:
  • A shortened VA Form 21-526 for Veterans applying for the first-time to VA for disability compensation or pension benefits.  This form has been cut in half – from 23 to 10 pages.  It is immediately available to Veterans via Web download, and will be available through VA’s online claim-filing process later this summer.

  • VA Form 21-526b for Veterans seeking increased benefits for conditions already determined by VA to be service-connected.  This new form more clearly describes the information needed to support claims for increased benefits.

In order to make the claims process faster, VA has also introduced two new forms for Veterans participating in the Department’s new fully developed claim (FDC) program, which is one of the fastest means to receive a claims decision.                                
Gathering the information and evidence needed to support a Veteran’s disability claim often takes the largest portion of the processing time.  If VA receives all of the available evidence when the claim is submitted, the remaining steps in the claims-decision process can be expedited without compromising quality.                                 
To participate in the FDC program, Veterans should complete and submit an FDC Certification and VA Form 21-526EZ, “Fully Developed Claim (Compensation),” for a compensation claim, or a VA Form 21-527EZ, “Fully Developed Claim (Pension),” for a pension claim. 

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