Rating of 0% - 20%

  • Certification of Eligibility for home loan guaranty.
  • Home loan guaranty fee exemption.
  • VA Priority medical treatment card.
  • Vocational Rehabilitation and Counseling under Title 38 USC Chapter 31 (must be at least 10%).
  • Service Disabled Veterans Insurance (Maximum of $10,000 coverage) must file within 2 years from the date of new service connection.
  • 10-point Civil Service preference (10 points added to Civil Service test score).
  • Clothing allowance for veterans who use or wear a prosthetic or orthopedic appliance (artificial limb, braces, wheelchair) or use prescribed medications for skin condition, which tend to wear, tear or soil clothing.
  • Temporary total evaluation (100%) based on hospitalization for a service connected disability in excess of 21 days; or surgical treatment for a service connected disability necessitating at least 1 month of convalescence or immobilization by cast, without surgery of more major joints.

Rating of 30%

  • Additional allowance for dependent (spouse, child(ren), step child(ren), helpless child(ren), full-time students between the ages of 18 and 23 and parent(s).
  • Additional allowances for a spouse who is a patient in a nursing home or helpless or blind or so nearly helpless or blind as to require the regular aid and attendance of another person.

Rating of 40%

  • Automobile grant and/or special adaptive equipment for an automobile provided there is loss  or permanent loss of use of one or both feet , loss or permanent loss of one or both hands or permanent impaired vision in both eyes with central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in better eye.
  • Special adaptive equipment may also be applied for if there is ankylosis of one or both knees or one or both hips.

Rating of 50%

  • VA Medical outpatient treatment for any condition except dental.
  • Preventative health care services.
  • Hospital care and medical services in non-VA facilities under an authorized fee basis agreement.

Rating of 60%

  • Increased compensation (100%) based on Individual Unemployability (IU) (applies to veterans who are unable to obtain or maintain substantially gainful employment due to service connected disability).

Rating of 100%

  • Dental treatment.
  • Department of Defense Commissary privileges.
  • Veteran’s employment preference for spouse.
  • Waiver of National Service Life Insurance premiums.
  • National Service Life Insurance total disability income provisions.
  • Specially adapted housing for veterans who have loss or permanent loss of use of both lower extremities or the loss of blindness in both eyes having light perception only plus loss of use of one lower extremity or the loss or permanent loss of use of one lower extremity with loss or permanent loss of use of one upper extremity or the loss or permanent loss of use of one extremity together with an organic disease which affects the functions of balance and propulsion as to preclude locomotion without the aid of braces, crutches, canes or wheelchair.
  • Special home adaptation grant (for veterans who don’t qualify for Specially Adapted Housing) may be applied for if the veteran is permanently and totally disabled due to blindness in both eyes with visual acuity of 5/200 or less or loss or permanent loss of use of both hands.

Rating of 100% (Permanent and Total) In Addition to the Above

  • Civilian Health and Medical Program for Dependents and Survivors (CHaMPVA).
  • Survivors and dependents education assistance under Title 38 USC Chapter 35.

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