22 Years
I was in the Marines 66-69, Vietnam in 68...in house Miami VA hospital 2 weeks 1969...PTSD did not exsit then...they said I had an immature personality. National Guard 76-79...US Army 80-83, WBAMC, Army Doc cut off circulation in left leg,that gave me 5 Pulmonay Emboli, Army gave me a medical @ 40%, transfered to VA, they dropped me to 30%. No one would hire me due to medical history of blood clots, leg ulcers started in 86, applied for SSD in 91, got 1st check in 5 months, VA granted 30% PTSD in 97, in 2000, VA granted claim for Type ll diabetes. 22 YEARS of VA claims before I finally got 100%...actually 97%...rounded up. Standard math has it at 230%. The last claim...took 5 years, all the way to DC, and the BVA made it retro to 91 when SSD gave me disability...it was a nice check, but I had to fight tooth and nail all the way, for something I deserved from day one....22 years of fighting the VA...and now I am fighting Uncle for my military retirement under Chapter 61...I hope after I die...my wife will be able to get it!

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