Compensation Story
I am a retired reservist with about 8 years active (including two in AFG and IRQ) and the rest reserve. I first applied to the VA in 1999 as to injuries received for lifting a machine gun. They denied my application ruthlessly even after an accident report and witnesses. I filed a NOD and got it "upgraded" to 0% SC (gee thanks). In summer 2009, I applied to the VA within 60 days of getting discharged under the "Quick Start" and believe me, things have changed with the VA. I submitted all my medical records plus a full C&P while of active duty and they diagnosed sleep apnea, feet, wrist and PTSD problems, among others and awarded me 80%. After I got out I filed on my original bad back in Nov 2009 and in short order another C&P rated me for degenerative disc disease at 40%, rendering me now at 90%. The C&P doctor wrote some skanky comments on how I could put my socks on, etc but I submitted a complaint on him, but he could not get around the MRI, diagnosing me with DDD.

So far, I am now getting a free hunting license, a break on property taxes, a free drivers license, good care at the VA to include mileage and a good check every month w/o fail. The VA is now treating me well and I have few complaints. Vets need to be organized, have patience and be aggressive with their applications. If you are lazy and don't like to follow up on things or like to complain, you won't get what you deserve, with all due respect.

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