Allowance for Housebound                        
What is housebound allowance?                              
The VA’s Housebound Allowance is an additional amount available to eligible Veterans and dependents that are entitled to VA pension or VA compensation.  For more information, call toll-free 1-800-827-1000.                          
Who is eligible for the housebound allowance?                                                       
A Veteran, dependent spouse or surviving spouse who because of their physical limitations is unable to walk or travel beyond their home.  This allowance may be granted for those unable to meet the requirements of the greater aid and attendance allowance.  If their disabilities are severe enough to confine them to their immediate premises for the foreseeable future, they may be entitled to higher income limitations or additional benefits, depending on the type of benefit received.                       
How do I apply?                                    
You should furnish a medical statement covering the findings, diagnosis and prognosis of any recent medical treatment or examination.  The doctor’s statement or medical report should describe how your ability to perform the personal functions of daily living, such as dressing, feeding, bathing, and attending to the needs of nature, is limited by your medical condition.  It should also include the number of hours you spend in bed and describe your posture and general appearance.  You may also furnish any other information indicating that you are unable to care for yourself or walk or travel beyond your home because of your condition.


Note:  You are not required to incur the expense of the physical examination by a private physician in order to receive consideration.  If the detailed medical information about your ability to care for yourself is not available from the doctor’s or hospital’s current records, VA may arrange for a physical examination.                                                   
Does this help me with medication expenses? 

Veterans who have been adjudicated through the VA Regional Office for Aid and Attendance Compensation Pension, Allowance for Housebound or approved by the MEDVAMC for Fee Basis are entitled to receive medications through VA Pharmacy without being assigned to a Primary Care Provider.  The medication prescribed must be on the VA formulary.

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