Compensation for Asbestos Exposure 
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that primarily affects the lining of the lungs. Approximately 2,000 to 3,000 cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed each year in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, there are currently 25 million living individuals who have served in the Armed Forces; hundreds of thousands, if not millions of these living veterans were exposed to toxic asbestos-containing materials during military service. The online Mesothelioma Center offers free assistance with filing your VA claim and can make the process much easier. The Veterans Assistance department offers extensive experience in filing VA claims and can help any veteran coping with mesothelioma                      
Seeking Compensation                
As is the case in practically all asbestos and mesothelioma lawsuits, a claim is filed against the manufacturers of asbestos products, not employers that used asbestos products without knowledge of the hazardous effects. Aside from filing a claim against the asbestos manufacturer responsible for exposure, ailing veterans do have the legal option to seek assistance through The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA).                     
Veterans are permitted to apply for VA benefits for asbestos-related diseases, but illnesses such as mesothelioma are not always recognized by the VA as a"service-connected" medical condition, which makes it extremely difficult to claim and receive benefits. The resources at offer assistance, free of cost, to veterans applying for benefits. We have knowledgeable veterans on staff that can make the process easier and help you receive benefits from the VA system. For more information, please call 800-615-2270.
VA Benefits                 
Established on March 15, 1989, the VA succeeded the Veterans Administration that was founded in 1930. The VA is a government-run benefit system created for U.S. military veterans, which is responsible for administering benefit programs to veterans, their families, and survivors of veterans (collectively encompassing 74.5 million potentially eligible individuals). Benefits offered to veterans include disability compensation, pension, life insurance, home loans, education, vocational rehabilitation, survivors' benefits, and medical and burial benefits. This incredibly complex system comprises the second-largest federal department (after the Department of Defense).
U.S. Navy Veterans Urged to Call

The Mesothelioma Victims Center is urging US Navy Veterans who served on a Cold War era US Navy ship to have annual chest x-rays performed in addition to telling their primary care physician about any exposure to asbestos which might have resulted from working in close proximity to the engine room, ammunition magazines, machine shop, or fuel storage areas.

If mesothelioma has been diagnosed, the Center is urging the Veteran and/or their family to call them at 866-714-6466 to ensure they have the nation's most experienced lawyers for compensation.


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