1.  What is CRSC?               
Answer:  CRSC is a program that went into effect June 1, 2003, and is available to military retirees (including National Guard or reserve retirees) who have 20 years of service.  Guard and reserve retirees with a “20-year letter” became eligible as of January 2004.  It is payable for combat-related disabilities only.  Qualified reservists will not receive CRSC until they begin to receive military retired pay at age 60.  Retirees must apply with their branch of service to participate in the program.  They are not automatically enrolled.                      
Retirees can obtain information about CRSC by calling the Retired and Annuity Pay Contact Center at 1-800-321-1080.                              
2.  What is CRDP?                         
Answer:  CRDP is a program that went into effect January 1, 2004, and is available to military retirees who served a minimum of 20 years creditable service, including service in the National Guard and reserves.  CRDP restores some or all of the military retired pay that was deducted due to receipt of VA service-connected disability compensation.  Retirees must be rated 50 percent or more disabled by VA and, unlike CRSC, the disabilities do not have to be combat-related.  Furthermore, retirees are not required to apply for this benefit; enrollment is automatic.                  
Retirees can obtain information about CRDP by calling the Retired and Annuity Pay Contact Center at 1-800-321-1080.                                        



3.  I was retired because of disability (under Chapter 61).  Am I eligible for retroactive payments?

Answer:  Veterans who served a minimum of 20 years and were retired because of disability may be entitled to CRSC or CRDP.  However, CRSC or CRDP may only restore that part of your retired pay that is based on longevity.  The part payable due to disability must still be waived to receive compensation.  

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