Education Assistance 
Children of any member of the armed services whose official home of record and residence is within the State of Mississippi and who is officially reported as being either a prisoner of war or missing in action can receive an eight-semester scholarship, without cost, exclusive of books, food, school supplies, materials and dues or fees for extracurricular activities at any state supported college or university within the State. 37-108-1
The Adjutant General of Mississippi is authorized to pay the tuition for certain members of the active Mississippi National Guard who are enrolled within the State of Mississippi in an accredited institution of higher learning, vocational education school or junior college. 33-7-405 & 33-7-407.
Military personnel stationed in Mississippi are classified as state residents for the purposes of payment of tuition at state colleges and universities. 37-103-17.
Hunting and Fishing License 
Veterans who have a total service-connected disability from the Veterans Administration are not required to purchase a hunting or fishing license, but must have on their person proof of age, residency and disability status while engaged in hunting or fishing. 49-7-5.  
The State Personnel Board grants each veteran who is fully qualified preference over other applicants for initial or promotional appointments (5 points). Disabled veterans are given additional preference (10 points). 25-9-303
In state layoffs, veterans are granted preference and additional preference is given disabled veterans. 25-9-303.
Persons who are 65 or older, blind, deaf, dumb, or with loss of hand or foot, or loss of use of the hand or foot or who can provide documentation that they are 50% disabled to perform physical labor and whose annual gross income is $900.00 or less are exempt from payment of privilege tax for specified businesses. 27-15-227.  
Members of the State Public Employees Retirement System who served in the Armed Forces of the United States or who served in Maritime Service (Merchant Marine) during periods of hostility in WWII shall be entitled to up to four (4) years credit for active duty in the Armed Forces or in such Maritime Service, provided they entered State Service after discharge from the Armed Forces or after completion of such Maritime Service. Credit may be extended beyond four (4) years for those persons who can provide positive proof that they were retained in the Armed Forces or such Maritime Service during WWII by causes beyond his control and without opportunity for discharge. 25-11-109.  
Any person who is a member of any reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States who, in order to perform duties or receive training with the Armed Forces of the United States or of the State of Mississippi leaves a position, other than a temporary position, in the employ of any employer, and who shall give evidence of the satisfactory completion of such duty or training, and who is still qualified to perform the duties of such position, shall be entitled to be restored to his previous or a similar position, in the same status, pay, and seniority. Such period of absence for military duty or training shall be construed as an absence with leave but may be without pay. 33-1-19  
Honoring Veterans 
The owner of any passenger vehicle, pickup truck or noncommercial motor vehicle can purchase the patriotic Honoring Veterans license plate which proudly displays the United States Flag. This license plate costs an additional $31.00 over regular license plate fees. $24.00 of that fee goes to support indigent veterans residing the State Veterans Nursing Homes and the State Veterans Memorial Cemetery.    

[ Benefits By State ]