State Benefits



Hunting and Fishing

All 50 percent or more disabled veterans may obtain a lifetime hunting-fishing license upon the payment of $10.00.


Members of the U.S. Armed Forces stationed in North Carolina, their spouses and their dependents under age 18 residing with them, are deemed residents of North Carolina for the purpose of purchasing licenses issued by the Wildlife Resources Commission.


NCDMV License Plates

The N.C. Division of Motor Vehicles makes available to veterans 16 specialized license plates.


Drivers Licenses              

In general, State law allows a military drivers license expiration procedure within the Division of Motor Vehicles to renew upon request to North Carolina residents on active duty,as well as to their spouses and dependent children.       

Any member of the armed services qualifying for admission to an institution of higher education, but not qualifying as a resident for tuition purposes, shall be charged the in-state tuition rate for enrollments while a member of armed services in the state

In appreciation for the service and sacrifices of North Carolina’s war veterans, a four-year scholarship program at approved schools in North Carolina has been established for the qualifying children of certain class categories of deceased, disabled, combat or POW/MIA veterans.

To qualify, the applicant must:


At time of application, applicant must be under age 25, domiciled, and resident of North Carolina.

Veteran parent was a legal resident of North Carolina at time of said veteran's entrance into that period of service in the armed forces during which eligibility is established.




The applicant is the natural child, or adopted child prior to age 15, who was born in North Carolina and has been a resident of North Carolina continuously since birth.

The veteran’s disabilities must have occurred during a period of war.


For Classes II and III, which are competitive, the application must be received in the Assistant Secretary’s Office on or before March 1st. There is no deadline for Classes IA, IB, or IV. For additional information refer to the classes chart giving a synopsis of the scholarships offered and North Carolina General Statute Chapter 165, Article 4.
For details and to see if the North Carolina school you have chosen is approved, consult a local VSO or write to the Assistant Secretary for Veterans Affairs, North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs, 1315 Mail Service Center, Albemarle Building, Suite 1065, Raleigh, NC 27699-1315.


Preference in State Government employment is granted to veterans, their surviving spouses or the spouses of disabled veterans, without regard to age, provided they are otherwise qualified.  Military leave with reemployment rights is also granted State employees. 


The Employment Service Division of the Employment Security Commission assists in endeavoring to secure suitable employment for disabled veterans.  Any person desiring information and assistance with matters related to employment and job placement should contact the nearest local employment office of the Employment Security Commission. Veterans Employment Representatives are available to render specialized service for veterans.

State law provides for the appointment and supervision of guardians for incompetent veterans, incompetent dependents of veterans and minor dependents of members of the armed forces or veterans in certain circumstances, to manage U.S. funds payable to such persons.

Handicapped Parking Privileges
Disabled veterans issued a registration plate are entitled to park in spaces designated for the handicapped and unlimited parking time in most parking zones having time restrictions.



Absentee Registration and Voting

Persons who are in the armed forces, their spouses, veterans in government hospitals, etc., who are otherwise qualified to vote may register and vote by mail in primaries and general elections, subject to the procedural details set forth in the law.


Disabled Voters, Primary or General Elections

Assistance in Voting. A voter who, on account of physical disability, blindness or illiteracy is entitled to assistance as prescribed in the law, in getting to and from the voting booth and in marking their ballots.


Voting Outside the Voting Enclosure. Voters who are able to travel to the voting place, but because of age, physical disability or physical barriers encountered at the voting place are unable to enter same without physical assistance, may vote from their vehicles or in the immediate proximity of the voting place, subject to certain procedures prescribed by law.



Discharges. The Register of Deeds of any North Carolina county is required to record, free of charge, all official discharges from the armed forces offered for registration. Free certified copies of discharges so recorded may be obtained by members or former members of the armed forces and by representatives of the N. C. Division of Veterans Affairs (NCDVA) upon application.


Other Records, Including Discharges. Representatives of NCDVA who need copies of State and local public records in assisting clients may obtain same without charge. Exception: certain privileged and confidential records whose disclosure is otherwise provided for by law.


Certified Copy of Public Record. A certified copy of any public record required by the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA) or the NCDVA for use in determining the eligibility of any person to participate in benefits made available by the USDVA shall be provided without charge by the official responsible for the custody of the public record. The document shall be issued to the applicant for such benefits or any person acting on his or her behalf or the representative of the USDVA or the NCDVA.


Retirement Credit: Military Service, State and Participating Local Government Employees

Under certain conditions and subject to the confines of State law, credit for both State and local government retirement plans can be granted for military service performed by an eligible employee. Further inquiry should be made to Employee's Retirement and Health Benefits Division, N.C. Office of the Treasurer.


Tax Relief

Income Tax Relief

Cancellation of Certain Assessments and Abatement of Income Tax. Any assessment of income tax due prior to the time a person was inducted into the Armed Forces will be canceled and abated if the serviceperson was killed while a member of the Armed Forces or is receiving service-connected disability compensation. No interest is payable on refunds made under this section of the law.


Allowances, Servicepersons. Subsistence and quarters allowances, uniform and equipment allowances and mustering-out payments are not taxable to the serviceperson as income. Mileage and per diem allowances for official travel and transportation are excludable from the service income except to the extent that they exceed the travel and transportation expenses.


Deductions, Servicepersons. Income tax deduction may be claimed for insignia, swords, aiguillettes, epaulets, campaign bars, cap devices, chin straps and the cost of altering uniforms necessitated by change in rank.


Disability Pay, U.S. Government. All disability payments to veterans by reason of service in the Armed Forces are not reportable as income for income taxation purposes.


Education and Training Allowances. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs payments made to veterans enrolled in schools and training establishments under the GI Bill are exempt from income taxation.


Grants for Motor Vehicles. Grants by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for motor vehicles for veterans who lost their sight or the use of their limbs are exempt from income taxation.


Grants for Specially Adapted Housing. Grants by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to seriously disabled veterans for homes designed for wheelchair living are exempt from income taxation.


Gratuity Pay, Six-Months. The six-months gratuity pay to a beneficiary of a deceased serviceperson is exempt from income taxation.


Hostile Fire Duty Pay. Exemption is same as Federal Internal Revenue Service.


Insurance Dividends, Government Insurance. Dividends and all other proceeds except interest on dividends from G. I. insurance policies are exempt from income taxation.


Retired Pay. The following is exempt from income taxation: Any amount, not to exceed $4,000, received by a taxpayer during any year as retired or retainer pay as a result of service in any of the Armed Forces of the United States.


Property Tax Relief
Certain Vehicles. A motor vehicle owned by a disabled veteran that is altered with special equipment to accommodate a service-connected disability. As used in this section, disabled veteran means a person as defined in 38 U.S.C. § 101(2) who is entitled to special automotive equipment for a service-connected disability.


Real Property Tax. This program excludes up to the first $45,000 of the appraised value of the permanent residence of an honorably discharged veteran who has a total and permanent disability that is service-connected or who receives benefits for specially adapted housing under 38 U.S.C. 2101. There is no age or income limitation for this program. This benefit is also available to the unmarried surviving spouse of an honorably discharged disabled veteran. See G.S. 105-277.1C for the full text of the statute. Contact your local County Tax Office for applications.


Veterans Organizations. Real and personal property belonging to veterans organizations as defined by statute shall not be listed, appraised, assessed, or taxed for ad valorem purposes.

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[ State Benefits ]