My Claim and Compensation
I am a Marine veteran that served two tours in Nam in the 60's. I later developed PTSD, DIABETES, HEART TROUBLE, AND MANY OTHER ILLNESSES. I went to the DAV at the beginning of my claim process, and had a rotten experience at the Waco Texas VA regional office. I was awarded 30% for my existing claim and was not satisfied with it. I questioned the percentage I was awarded and the DAV rep said to me "WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU DESERVE MORE THAN 30%". I immediately told him to go to hell and went down the hall to the Texas Veterans Commission for help. They have very helpful to me regarding my claim process.  I am now 90% disabled with individual unemployability, and am compensated at the 100% rate. I do not believe I would have ended up in my current position had it not been for the efforts of the TVC. I strongly recommend that anyone not go to the DAV for assistance as they did absolutely nothing for me in my opinion.

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