STATE BENEFITS                                    
VETERANS RECORDS                                       
Free Certified Copies of Veterans Records
South Dakota counties may not charge for certified copies of birth, death, marriage, adoption, divorce, guardianship or conservatorship papers when such records are required in support of a claim against any agency of the federal or state government by, or on behalf of , a servicemember or veteran, or the spouse, surviving spouse or dependents of a servicemember or veteran.                                     
BURIAL BENEFITS                                                        
Burial Allowance for Veterans, Wives or Widows
A payment of up to $100 may be paid by the state to help defray the burial and funeral expenses of any honorably discharged veteran or the wife, widow or widower of a veteran when the estate, or immediate family, of the deceased is lacking in funds to pay the expenses. The veteran must have been a citizen of the United States for one year preceding entrance into military service or one year preceding the death. This payment CANNOT be made to another unit of government. The surviving spouse, or relatives, must furnish an affidavit to the C/TVSO that sufficient funds are not available for payment of the expenses.                                                       
MVA/DVA B-2 (Rev. 10/94) "Application for Veterans $100 Burial Allowance," MVA/DVA 135 (Rev. 10/94) "Affidavit," and a copy of the funeral bill must be submitted to the Pierre office within one year from the date of the burial.                                                       
Headstone Setting Fee
The state will pay $40 towards the cost of setting a government headstone or marker at the grave of a veteran who was a resident of this state for one year preceding entrance into the military service or one year preceding death.                                               
MVA/DVA B-1 (Rev. 10/94) "Application for Veterans $40 Headstone Setting Fee" must be submitted to the Pierre Office within one year from the date of setting of the headstone or marker.



Emergency Loan Fund for Veterans and Their Dependents
An interest free loan of up to $500 may be made, to veterans or a veteran’s dependents, if financial relief is required for any emergency need. The amount loaned must be repaid within two years. To qualify, the veteran must meet the definition of a veteran (SDCL 33-17-1 & 33-17-2) and must have been a legal resident of South Dakota at the time of entry into service or for at least one year immediately prior to application.                                           
MVA/DVA 105 (Rev. 7/96) "Veterans Division Revolving Fund Loan Application" and a copy of the veteran’s discharge is submitted to the Pierre office. The SD Veterans Commission reviews the application and makes the determination as to whether the loan is granted or denied.                                               


Free Tuition for Veterans
Certain veterans are eligible to take undergraduate courses at a state university without the payment of tuition provided they are not eligible for educational payments under the GI Bill or any other federal educational program. To qualify the veteran must:                                    
have been discharged under Honorable conditions
be a current resident of South Dakota and qualify for in-state tuition
meet one of the following criteria served on active duty at any time between August 2, 1990 and March 3, 1991.
received an Armed Forces Expeditionary medal, Southwest Asia Service medal, or other United States campaign or service medal for participation in combat operations against hostile forces outside the boundaries of the United States.
has a service connected disability rated 10%, or more, disabling.                                                       
Eligible veterans may receive one month of free tuition for each month of "qualifying service" with a minimum of one, up to a maximum of four, academic years. Qualifying service is defined as: the amount of time served on active duty between the beginning and ending dates of the particular period of conflict or hostilities during which the veteran earned eligibility for this program. Since all of the post-Vietnam conflicts have been very short in duration, the majority of veterans who qualify will be entitled to only the minimum, one academic year, of free tuition.Under the free tuition program, the veteran has twenty (20) years from the ending date of the specific period of service during which he or she served and met the eligibility criteria, or, twenty (20) years after the date that he or she was rated 10%, or more, disabled by the DVA.                                     
EXAMPLE: A veteran earned the Armed Forces Expeditionary medal for serving in Grenada in October 1983. As the hostilities in Grenada were declared to have ceased as of November 21, 1983, the veteran has until November 21, 2003, to use the free tuition program.


SDDVA form E-11 "Veterans Application for Free Tuition at State Supported Schools" is available at the schools’ financial aids, veterans representative or registrars offices or, they can be obtained from the Division of Veterans Affairs. The completed application, along with a copy of the veteran’s DD-214 must be submitted to the Sioux Falls VA Regional Office (address shown on the reverse side of the form) and then returned to the school.                                                                                   
Free Tuition for Children of Veterans Who Die During Servic
Children who are under the age of 25, are residents of South Dakota, and whose mother or father was killed in action or died of other causes while on active duty, are eligible for free tuition at a state supported school, if the deceased parent was a bona-fide resident of this state for at least six (6) months immediately preceding entry into active service.                                                     
SDDVA form E-12 "Application for Free Tuition at State Supported Institutions" is available at the schools’ financial aids, veterans representative or registrars offices or, they can be obtained from the Division of Veterans Affairs.                                                         



Free Tuition for Dependents of POW’s and MIA’s
Children and spouses of prisoners of war, or of persons listed as missing in action, are entitled to attend a state supported school without the payment of tuition or mandatory fees provided they are not eligible for equal or greater federal benefits.                                                       


SDDVA form E-12 "Application for Free Tuition at State Supported Institutions" is available at the schools’ financial aids, veterans representative or registrars offices or, they can be obtained from the Division of Veterans Affairs.

Reduced Tuition for South Dakota National Guardmembers
Guard members, who meet the requirements for admission, are eligible for a fifty percent (50%) reduction in undergraduate tuition charges at any state supported school for up to a maximum of four academic years
one program of study, approved by the state Board of Education, at any state vocational school upon payment of fifty percent (50%) of the tuition charges.                                                          
The receipt of federal educational benefits does not affect eligibility for this program. To qualify the guardmember must:                                                                    
be a resident of this state and a member of the SD Army or Air Guard throughout each semester or vocational program for which he or she applies for benefits.
have completed required active duty for training. attend 90% of drills and training periods and maintain a satisfactory academic grade level.
provide proper notice to the institution at time of registration for the term in which benefits are sought.                                                                       
SPECIAL LICENSE PLATESNOTE: Under South Dakota law, veterans who wish to display any of the following distinctive plates on their vehicles, must also keep a set of regular numbered plates on or in the vehicle at all times. Application forms may be obtained at the local County Treasurer’s office. Immediately upon the death of the veteran, the distinctive plates must be returned to the county treasurer of the county where the veteran lived.                                              


Disabled Veteran Plate
Resident veterans who were injured while serving on active duty during a time of war or while participating in a military mission involving armed conflict are eligible if they meet at least one of the following criteria:                                                 


is in receipt of the DVA "K" award for loss or loss of use of one or more extremities or; is rated as totally disabled from service connected disabilities.

The disabled veteran plate entitles the veteran to park in spaces reserved for the handicapped.

The veteran must provide verification of eligibility, such as a VA award letter, at the time of application.                                     



Prisoner of War Plate
For resident veterans who were held as a POW while serving on active duty and who received an honorable discharge.                                             


Pearl Harbor Survivor Plate
For resident veterans who were serving on active duty and survived the attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and who received an honorable discharge.                                                                                              

Purple Heart Plate
For resident veterans who served on active duty and were awarded the Purple Heart. At the time of application, the veteran must provide verification of eligibility. A copy of the veteran’s DD-214 will suffice if it reflects that the veteran was awarded the Purple Heart. The annual fee for the Disabled Veteran, Prisoner of War and Pearl Harbor Survivor plate is $10.00 per set per year. Once the distinctive plates have been issued, the veteran will not be required to pay the regular annual vehicle registration fees.


For the Purple Heart plate, the veteran is required to pay the regular annual vehicle registration fees but no fee is assessed for the distinctive plate.


Hunting and Fishing Cards for Disabled Veterans
Certain resident veterans may receive a hunting and fishing card which is valid for four years. Upon purchase of an annual basic game and fish license, the card becomes the equivalency of a resident fishing license, small game stamp and habitat stamp until the expiration of the basic game and fish license. To qualify the veteran must: be rated as totally disabled from service connected injuries OR, be in receipt of the VA "K" award OR, have been held as a Prisoner of War OR, be in receipt of Social Security benefits because of a total disability. Application forms are available from the Game, Fish and Parks Regional Office. The application, along with verification of eligibility, are submitted to Game, Fish and Parks, 412 West Missouri, Pierre, SD 57501.



Free Admission and Reduced Camping Fees for Veterans
Certain resident veterans may obtain free admission to any South Dakota state park and are eligible for a fifty percent discount on any camping fee or associated electrical fee. To qualify the veteran must: be totally disabled from service connected disabilities or, be in receipt of the VA "K" award OR, have been held as a Prisoner of War. Application forms may be obtained from the local park manager or through the Game, Fish and Parks office in Pierre.



Special Provisions for Handicapped Hunters

Individuals who are missing an upper limb, or are physically incapable of using an upper limb or who are confined to a wheelchair may use a crossbow to take game birds and animals once they have obtained a disabled hunter permit.                                                 
A legally blind, legally licensed individual who possesses a disabled hunter permit and who is physically present and participating in the hunt may claim game birds and animals taken by a designated hunter in accordance with the license or licenses possessed by the handicapped hunter.                                   
Applications are obtained from the Game, Fish and Parks office in Pierre or from a game warden.                                                                 


Property Tax Exemption for Veterans and Their Widow or Widower
Dwellings or parts of multiple family dwellings which are specifically designed for use by paraplegics as wheelchair homes and which are owned and occupied by veterans with the loss, or loss of use, of both lower extremities, or by the unremarried widow or widower of such veteran, are exempt from taxation.                                   
The dwelling must be owned and occupied by the veteran for one full calendar year before the exemption becomes effective. For purposes of this statute, the term "dwelling" generally means real estate in an amount not to exceed one acre upon which the building is located.



Property Tax Refund for Aged and Disabled Persons

Certain low income property owners are eligible for a property tax refund and should check with their county treasurer for details and assistance in making application. To qualify the following conditions must be met:                                      
The head of the household must be sixty-five years of age, or older, or shall be disabled prior to January first of the year in which taxes are levied; The applicant must have owned the property for at least three years or, have been a resident of this state at least five years if not qualified under the three year ownership criteria.                                                           

Sales Tax Refund for Certain Elderly and Disabled Persons

Certain low income persons who are sixty-five, or older, or who are disabled, may qualify for a sales tax refund. Applicants should check with their county treasurer for details and assistance.


NOTE: No individual may receive both a property tax and sales tax refund in the same year. 
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