Atherosclerotic Heart Disease (including Ischemic Heart Disease) 

Hardening and narrowing of the arteries. Atherosclerosis is the usual cause of heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral vascular disease.  



Atheroma in arm, or more often in leg arteries, which produces decreased blood flow is called peripheral artery occlusive disease. Typically, atherosclerosis begins as a thin layer of white streaks on the artery wall (usually due to white blood cells) and progresses from there.  

The first symptom of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is heart attack or sudden cardiac death.

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Veteran ID Card w/Picture
Veteran ID Card
No longer will you have to carry around your DD Form 214 as proof of your military service.  The Veteran ID Card will quickly establish you as a veteran, along with other essential benefits.  The Veteran ID Card is the most recognized non-government Veteran ID Card in the World.  To learn why every veteran should own a Veteran ID Card by USVCP click here.

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