Massachusetts sets the standard for war veterans benefits 
By Marybeth Kennealy

Four decades ago, Massachusetts became the only state to pass a law - later overruled in federal court - making it illegal for residents to fight in the Vietnam War. Today, although ranking 45th among states in veterans per capita, the commonwealth is a leader in providing benefits to veterans.

Massachusetts has provided servicemen and women with bonuses, public assistance, tuition waivers and other programs - many more generous and wide ranging than others in the nation, perhaps surprising for a state with a history of anti-war politics.

"I think we set the standard for the whole country. We have unique programs here that no other state has," said Thomas Kelley, secretary of the Massachusetts Department of Veterans' Services.

The Joint Committee on Veterans and Federal Affairs, established by the Legislature in 2005, has added and expanded services to veterans. It took the lead in the passage of 2005's "Welcome Home" bill that has become a cornerstone of the state's programs for veterans, National Guard members and military families. The bill's initiatives include:

* Bonuses of $1,000 to Iraq and Afghanistan veterans

* Increased death benefits for National Guard members' families from $5,000 to $100,000

* Tuition and fee waivers at all state and community colleges for National Guard members

* Reduced life insurance premiums

* Increased annuities to disabled veterans of all branches

"The Welcome Home Bill was a landmark bill," said Col. Ray Magill, secretary of the National Guard Association of Massachusetts. "Massachusetts is amongst the lead because of the benefits that they've offered. They've expanded the benefits dollar wise and broadened the scope of them."

Massachusetts is the only state to offer such a large service bonus to veterans from all branches of the military. Only Connecticut, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota and West Virginia have such a program for veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. Although North Dakota offers up to $1,800, awards are restricted to National Guard veterans.

"People in other states complain and say 'I wish my state did that' about the bonus," said Joshua Kilnapp, an Air Force staff sergeant from Canton who served in Afghanistan and received his bonus last month. Kilnapp, 24, said he used the money to help pay off credit card bills.

The bonuses are part of a state tradition of providing military members with financial resources. An emergency supplemental income program dates back to the Civil War. Today's service members returning from war can quality for up to $1,600 a month in public assistance. Massachusetts is the only state to offer this type of benefit to needy veterans and dependent family members.

"For the younger folks that are still of working age, we're almost like unemployment," said Eric Lamarche, director of veterans' services for Lowell. Lamarche said elderly family members and military widows benefit most from the program.

Massachusetts is the only state requiring municipalities to have their own veterans' service officers. As the state expands its benefits, it relies on workers like Lamarche to connect veterans to programs and services.

Many of the state's newest benefits have focused on National Guard members, who have seen a great deal of service abroad. Rep. Anthony Verga, D-Gloucester, a co-chairman of the veterans' committee, says these servicemen and women make unique sacrifices when they leave their civilian jobs to go to war.

"You've got this guy who goes out, gets married, has a pretty good-paying job, maybe making $70,000 or $80,000, but all of a sudden he's going to Iraq," Verga said. "We want to make sure the citizen soldier is recognized for everything he or she is doing."

The committee wants to expand some benefits to members of all military branches. A special commission, established by the Welcome Home bill, recommended that all veterans - not just National Guardsmen - be exempt from paying state college tuition and fees.

"We have to make it inclusive for all service members," Verga said.

He said giving waivers beyond basic tuition is essential, as college fees often add up to four times the cost of tuition.

"It's really not free until you take away the fees," he explained. "That's what we're concentrating on right now."

Along with pursuing expanded education benefits, Verga said the committee's other top priority is the distinct health needs of veterans returning from war - particularly those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

"PTSD is the signature injury of this current war," Verga said. "I don't think there's anything that can match it."

Verga said the committee is working on a bill to study the effects of PTSD on veterans. A special commission would explore a mandatory mental health treatment program for National Guard members who engage in combat. It would also create programs to train police and firefighters how to recognize the warning signs of PTSD in people.

Lawmakers want to boost financial assistance to veterans faced with escalating home-heating prices. A bill, approved by the House, would provide $3.9 million in supplemental heating funds.

"This federal and veterans affairs committee is being very progressive in letting the Legislature know this is a problem that could have catastrophic circumstances," said Randolph Boothby, commander of the Massachusetts AMVETS. "In six months to a year from now it could result in foreclosures and homelessness in veterans."

Such programs might be expected in more conservative states or those with more veterans, however, only five states have fewer veterans per capita than Massachusetts, a state with a liberal tradition.

But the commonwealth has not been immune to the post-9/11 reality of war.

"In this country, we went through a long period of time when we didn't send people off to war. Desert Storm was kind of a brief blip," said John Goheen, director of communications for the National Guard Association of the United States, a private organization based in Washington, D.C.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have given legislators a new focus on veterans, Goheen said.

"Legislators have gone to deployment ceremonies, they've held the hands of families and gone to funerals, and they've been touched," Goheen said. "That's translated to better state benefits."

Sen. Scott Brown, R-Wrentham, a member of the veterans' committee who has spent 28 years in the Army National Guard, said the Legislature is aware of the support of residents who may not agree with the war but appreciate the sacrifices of the military.

"A lot of people are recognizing that we have volunteered for these jobs," Brown said. "They may not like President Bush and Congress, but they certainly like their neighbor next door who's leaving their family for 15 or 18 months."

Sen. Stephen Brewer, D-Worcester, co-chairman of the veterans' committee, said caring for those servicemen and women is the state's responsibility by default.

"These people are not put in harm's way by the governor of any state, but by the commander in chief," he said. "Unfortunately this administration and president has been woefully inadequate in providing resources to veterans."

Verga said he recently attended a meeting with legislators from other states and told them of the services Massachusetts has added.

"They were surprised," Verga said. "I feel very proud."

(Marybeth Kennealy is part of the Boston University State House Program.)

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