Data Transfer Service
Paper Is Dead! Why be hampered with messy, fragile, dirty, paper copy of your automobile insurance, when a plastic card will provide
the durability and security you deserve? The Auto Insurance Card is finished on high quality plastic with secure Holykote
to ensure it is free from copying and remains in its best possible condition for a long time. Your Auto Insurance Card is
30 mil thickness (standard credit card size); 3.375" x 2.125" (85.6mm x 54mm). For additional card security,
the Auto Insurance Card gives you a secure HoloKote watermark across the surface of each card . The watermark works
to prevent tampering and counterfeiting. The HoloKote watermark is highlighted as a high visibility security seal for your
security and protection. How It Works
You simply provide us a copy of your current auto insurance paperwork,
and we’ll transfer the data onto a durable plastic card. Easy to store in your wallet, and long lasting.
submitting form below, to complete your order please fax document proof of insurance to 713-510-1965. Please
include front and back of all paper copies. Or, scan and email document proof of your insurance to: