For Immediate Release…
Contact: Laura Martinez
U.S. Veteran Compensation Programs
Fax: 713-510-1965
USVCP Launches News Distribution Center
Veteran-friendly businesses have a new outlet
to reach millions of veterans directly.
According to Veterans Affairs (VA), it is estimated that more than 15 million veterans are unaware of the benefits the
VA provides to veterans, and most are unaware of benefits that they may be eligible to receive. VA personnel
maintain that getting information to veterans is very difficult for a variety of reasons. One main reason
is that millions of veterans are reluctant to engage with the VA for fear of becoming entangled in government bureaucracy
and red-tape.
A new alternative
for veteran-friendly businesses wanting to make contact with veterans and veteran-friendly supporters is U.S. Veteran Compensation
Programs (USVCP) News Distribution Center (NDC).
Over 100,000 veterans, and
veteran supporters receive Newsletters and Alerts from USVCP daily. Additionally, hundreds of veteran organizations
count on USVCP for information regarding benefits, compensation, and pension information affecting veterans and their dependents.
With over a million views per month, USVCP has become an important source for veterans and veteran-supporters to get
information on veteran and military-related issues.
USVCPs News Distribution Center (NDC) is a press release & news distribution online submission service
to U.S. veterans, veteran agencies, military journalists, military newspapers, veteran-friendly corporations, PR agencies,
military market research reports, freelance military writers, and veteran news content provider websites.
Launched in 2007, USVCP was created to provide
a platform for veterans looking for information about benefits, pension programs, and compensation-related data for veterans
who are service-connected with disabilities, and those veterans seeking compensation for injuries sustained during their time
in uniform.