I am a totally disenchanted with the VA Stroke in 07 04 Left the entire left side of my body tottally numb weak and very painful.  VA denies the stroke due to cigarette smoking. KIDDING Me the Us Army gave me the cigarrettes, what a kin joke.  I am living of of my personal pension money that when i turn 62 will be gone.  Hey all I did was serve my country. I was in a forward maint unit with the 9th inf div. I was the guy that use to mix and spray 50 50 AO and diesel fuel nd burn it through the exhaust manifold of a 3/4 ton truck. Gave me 20% type 2 stroke on appeal 3 years sittin on a fat ladys desk in Cleveland,Ohio. Also 2 brain tumors, right and left wrist CT.  High BP Hyperlipdemia, also broke my back in a fall from a guard tower, that was denied.  THE VA IS A JOKE SENT a letter to THE HONORABLE JAMES B PEAKE He was too busy to answer myletter. Pased on to the VA in Cleveland a person sighned the letter but a different person wrote it. OH YAH I WAS RA they did no!  t know what ra and US meant. ON THIS VETERANS DAY  LAUNCH YOUR ORANGE BALOONS AT 1 PM TO HELP KEEP OUR PLIGHT OF THE CHEMICALLY WOUNDED VIETNAM VET AND TO THANK ALL OUR DECEASED  BROTHERS AND SISTERS> THANK TO AO QUILT OF TEARS FOR ALL THEIR HELP>GOD BLESS AMERICA.  JIM 9th inf div DCo 709th maint bn  BEN  LUC, VITNAM 68 69

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