Other Wyoming State Veteran Benefits
Oregon Trail State Veterans' Cemetery
The Oregon Trail State Veterans' Cemetery has been established through the cooperative efforts of the Veterans’ Commission acting for the State of Wyoming and the National Cemetery Administration of the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs, successor to the Veterans Administration. The Wyoming Military Department supervises and controls the state veterans’ cemetery. 
Every veteran that received any discharge, other than dishonorable, from the Armed Forces of the United States is eligible for burial in the cemetery. The spouse, handicapped or minor child of an eligible veteran may also qualify for burial in the State Veterans' Cemetery, providing that the interment of the qualifying family member is in the same burial plot as that provided for the veteran.
Payment for Burial Details (Honor Guard)
Veterans Organizations that routinely act as burial details for State Veterans may apply for payment of services at the rate of up to $25 per veteran. Application for recognition needs to be made by 1 November to be effective the following year.

Burial of Indigent Veterans
Counties are obliged to provide up to $500 for the burial of indigent veterans upon proof that the deceased veteran received a discharge other than dishonorable for service on behalf of the United States in World War II, or any preceding war, or the Korean or Vietnam wars. The indigent veteran must have died in the county paying the expenses and proof must be shown that he/she left insufficient means to defray the expense. 
Veterans’ Guardianships
The Uniform Veterans’ Guardianship Act has been adopted in Wyoming and governs the handling of guardianship estates of wards that are beneficiaries under the laws administered by the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA is a party in interest in any proceeding brought under this Act. Guardians can have no more than five wards, and regular accountings must be made.
Free (Confidential) Recording of Honorable Discharges
Wyoming law grants all veterans who receive an honorable discharge from the military services of the United States the right of having his/her discharge papers, usually the DD 214 or the Honorable Discharge certificate bearing the DD 214 information on its reverse side, recorded free in the office of the county clerk if the documents have not been recorded previously in another county of the state. The County Clerk keeps this document confidential. 
Special Veterans License Plates
The following are Special Veterans License Plates available to eligible persons: 
Disabled Veterans
Former Prisoner Of War
Pearl Harbor Survivor
Purple Heart
National Guard                         
General Provisions: No fees are charged for Special License Plates, though with the exception of the POW and 50% service connected Disabled Veteran plates, regular registration fees are payable when getting the plates. Too, all veterans entitled to have Special License Plates are also eligible to display Veterans Service Emblems on their plates.                         
Veterans’ License Plate Service Emblems
Veterans that served in any branch of the Armed Forces during the era of World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War or Gulf War and received a discharge other than dishonorable are entitled to display those wars’ Service Emblems. In accordance with law and regulations, on the license plates of all their automobiles, trucks and motorcycles for the life of their plates. Service Emblems may be obtained from the Wyoming Veterans’ Commission at cost plus a statutory fee of $11.00. This helps finance the Commission’s programs for Wyoming’s veterans. Currently, the total charge for motor vehicles is $11.50 and for motorcycles is $11.00, which includes all costs for production, postage and handling.

Free Veterans Game and Fish Licenses
The Game and Fish Department shall issue without charge lifetime bird, small game and fish licenses to any resident or honorably discharged veteran who is over 65 years of age and who has continuously resided in Wyoming for at least the 30 years immediately preceding application for the license, or to any disabled veteran who is 100% disabled as determined by the United States Department of Veteran Affairs. The license is valid so long as the licensee remains a Wyoming resident. Contact one of the regional offices or the state office of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department for application forms, or call the Wyoming Veterans’ Commission state office for more information. Game and Fish Department Regional Offices are in Jackson and Pinedale [Region1], Cody[2], Sheridan[3], Green River[4], Laramie[5], Lander[6], and Casper[7]. Game and Fish Department state office toll-free is 1-800-842-1934 (in-state only). 
Free Fishing Licenses for Disabled Veterans
Wyoming veterans that are 50% or more service-connected disabled are eligible to receive a free Wyoming lifetime fishing license. To make application, ask for the application forms from the Commission office in Casper or in person at one of the major Wyoming Department of Fish and Game office. 
Free State Parks Pass for Disabled Veterans
Wyoming veterans that are 50% or more service-connected disabled are eligible to receive a free Wyoming lifetime State Parks Pass. To make application, ask for the application forms from the Commission office in Casper or in person at the Cheyenne Parks Pass office in the Barret Building. 
County Veteran Service Officer(s)
A new program that is in its early stages is the County Veteran Service Officer (CVSO) program. These are dedicated and trained volunteers that can help a veteran start the process of accessing State and Federal benefits. At the present time, Wyoming has only two southwestern counties participating in the CVSO program, but in surrounding states, there are literally hundreds of CVSOs that help their state veterans access benefits. 
Wyoming’s Veterans’ Memorial Museum
Wyoming’s Veterans’ Memorial Museum was dedicated Memorial Day 2002 thereby making it the first state veterans’ memorial honoring all veterans of all services of all wars. It accepts and displays donated war related memorabilia and artifacts, and it collects recordings and printed copy of veterans’ experiences for history research scholars as well as books and other publications. 
Wyoming Veterans' Commission
The Commission is an agency created by state law in 1975 that is part of the Wyoming Military Department headed by the Adjutant General. It keeps informed on issues affecting Wyoming veterans and makes appropriate recommendations to the Governor and legislature. By statute, the Commission’s duties include:
Study all federal and state legislation affection veterans, their spouses, dependents and beneficiaries; Establish liaison with agencies dealing with veteran’s affairs; Make recommendations to the legislature and to the governor concerning veterans; and Adopt policies and procedures necessary to administer then veterans’ burial team account pursuant to W.S. 19-14-109. For more information contact the Wyoming Veterans Commission:


Wyoming Veterans Commission
5500 Bishop Blvd.
Cheyenne, WY 82009
(307) 772-5145
(307) 772-5202 fax

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