13. How will the Veterans Health Administration
(VHA) work with Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) on the new regulation?
VHA was actively involved in discussion
with VBA of the new regulation and fully supports the new regulation.
The new regulation will provide fair evaluation
for Veterans whose military records have been damaged or destroyed, or for whom no definitive reports of combat action appeared
in their military records, even though they can report such actions and it is reasonable to believe that these occurred, given
the time and place of service.
This will be especially beneficial to women Veterans,
whose records do not specify that they had combat assignments, even though their roles in the military placed them at risk
of hostile military or terrorist activity.
This means that more
Veterans will become eligible for VA care and thus be able to receive VA care for mental illness related to their military
service, as well as receiving full holistic health care.VHA will work actively with VBA on implementing
the regulation. VHA staff’s main role is as clinicians conducting C&P interviews to establish diagnoses and obtain
other information to be used by VBA raters to determine the outcome of claims.
The new regulation will not change the diagnostic elements
of the C&P interview, but may change what additional data are collected for use by VBA raters.