Find Your Ship                
Ships or boats that were part of the Mobile Riverine Force, Inshore Fire Support (ISF) Division 93 or had one of the following designations operated on the inland waterways of Vietnam. Veterans whose military records confirm they were aboard these ships qualify for presumption of herbicide exposure.                   


During your Vietnam tour, did your ship or boat have one of the following designations?

  • LCM (Landing Craft, Mechanized)
  • LCU (Landing Craft, Utility)
  • LCVP (Landing Craft, Vehicle, Personnel)
  • LST (Landing Ship, Tank)
  • PBR (Patrol Boat, River)
  • PCF (Patrol Craft, Fast or Swift Boat)
  • PG (Patrol Gunboat)
  • WAK (Cargo Vessel)
  • WHEC (High Endurance Cutter)
  • WLB (Buoy Tender)
  • WPB (Patrol Boat)
  • YFU (Harbor Utility Craft)

Ship NameActivities in Vietnam
Ajax (AR-6)Anchored in Vung Tau area for repair duties with evidence of shore-based repairs during June 1968, September to October 1969, April to May 1970, and August to November 1971
Alamo (LSD-33)Conducted numerous troop, supply, and equipment landings with smaller boats at Da Nang and elsewhere between 1965 and 1972 with evidence that crewmembers went ashore for beach parties
Antelope (PG-86)Operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam's inland waterways
Asheville (PG-84)Operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam's inland waterways
Askari (ARL-30)Operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam's inland waterways
Ault (DD-689)Operated on Mekong River Delta and Soirap River May 26, 1967
Barracks Barge (APL-26)Operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
Barracks Barge (APL-30)Operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
Barry (DD-933)Operated on Saigon River during December 1965
Basilone (DD-824)Operated on Saigon River, May 24-25, 1966
Bayfield (APA-33)Conducted troop on loading and “mike boat” landings at Da Nang, Chu Lai, Baie de My Han, and Cua Viet River from July through October 1965 and February through May 1967
Belle Grove (LSD-2)Operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways
Benewah (APB-35)Operated primarily or exclusively on Vietnam’s inland waterways

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