General R. M. Blatchford (AP-153)

Landed elements of 1st Infantry Division at Vung Tau by small boats during October 1965.

General W. H. Gordon (T-AP-117)

Transported troops and cargo to Vung Tau and elsewhere in Vietnam, with crew members going ashore, during 1965 and from December 1967 to March 1968.

George K. Mackenzie (DD-836)

Operated in Ganh Rai Bay area north of Vung Tau during February 1969.

Goldsborough (DDG-20)

Operated on Cua Dai River December 13, 1968.

Graffias (AF-29)

Docked to pier at Da Nang for resupply on February 20 and November 25, 1967, and conducted other in-port replenishments at An Thoi and Vung Tau during 1967.

Grapple (ARS-7)

Conducted numerous repair and salvaging operations while moored to beach or piers at Da Nang, Chu Lai, Cam Ranh Bay, and Tan My during January 1967, November 1970 through April 1971, and August 1972 through January 1973.

Gray (DE-1054)

Sent motorized whaleboat ashore from Da Nang Harbor for mail pickup on October 7, 1972.

Harold J. Ellison (DD-864)

Operated on Saigon River between late 1965 and mid 1966.

Henry W. Tucker (DD-875)

Operated on inland Qui Nhon Bay during 1965 and August 1968, and Mekong River Delta area during March 1966 and May 1969 Sent whaleboat ashore at Da Nang for briefing on January 23, 1969 and medical team ashore while off Quang Ngai on 27 February, 1969 Docked to pier in Da Nang Harbor on September 12, 1971.

Herbert J Thomas (DD-833)

Operated in Mekong River Delta during December 1966.

Hermitage (LSD-34)

Docked to Da Nang pier June 2-3, 1967 Conducted numerous troop landings in Da Nang area from June through October 1967.

Hissem (DER-400)

Moored to port side of USS Tuluita (ARG-4) for repairs in Vung Tau area from January 11-23, 1967, with evidence that crew members went ashore for liberty leave Sent motorized whaleboat ashore for briefing at An Thoi on February 3, 1967.

Hopewell (DD-681)

Operated on Mekong River Delta during June 15-16, 1966.

Hugh Purvis (DD-709)

Operated on the inland waters of Qui Nhon Bay during January 1969.

Hull (DD-945)

Sent small boats ashore while anchored off Nha Trang on February 17, 1968.

Illusive (MSO-448)

Conducted training with Vietnamese Navy on Saigon River from January through March 1962.

Inflict (MSO-456)

Traveled up the Saigon River to Saigon from September 19-22, 1964.

Isle Royale (AD-29)

Salvaged the beached USS Mahnomen County (LST-912) at Chu Lai during January 1967 with crew members going ashore for stripping operations.

Iwo Jima (LPH-2)

Operated as troop transport with helicopters and smaller vessels transporting troops on and off shore for amphibious assaults from May 1965 to August 1972 Entered inland Qui Nhon Bay in July 1965 Docked to pier at Da Nang on October 6, 1969.

James C. Owens (DD-776)

Docked at Cam Ranh Bay on April 30, 1968.

Jamestown (AGTR-3)

Conducted numerous month-long deployments along the Vietnam coast collecting data, with photographic evidence that crew members went ashore, between January 1966 and September 1969.

Jason (AR-8)

Anchored in Vung Tau Harbor repairing other vessels with deck logs showing evidence of crew members going ashore June through August 1968, December 1969 through January 1970, and March through April 1971.

Jouett (DLG-29)

Sent whaleboat ashore from Da Nang Harbor for mission briefings on February 15, April 15, and June 1, 1968.

Juneau (LPD-10)

Picked up troops and equipment with smaller vessels and transported them out of Vietnam from August 1970 to March 1971 and June to November 1972.

Klondike (AR-22)

Anchored in Vung Tau Harbor repairing other vessels during April 1969 with deck logs showing that crew members went ashore.

Koiner (DER-331)

Crew had liberty leave at Vung Tau and survey parties were sent ashore at various locations while on Operation Market Time radar patrol during 1967.

Kretchmer (DER-329)

Entered inland Qui Nhon Bay during September and November 1965, June and August 1966, and April 1967.

Lenawee (APA-195)

Conducted troop and supply landings at Da Nang and Chu Lai from April 1965 to December 1966.

Long Beach (CGN-9)

While anchored in Da Nang Harbor, deck logs show that utility boats went ashore with passengers on May 5, 1968 and the captain's gig went ashore on September 4, 1969.

Lowry (DD-770)

Sent motorized whaleboat ashore at Phan Thiet on June 5, 1968 Operated on Mekong River Delta during October 1968.

Lynde McCormick (DDG-8)

Operated on Cua Ham Loung River and Mekong River Delta during April 1966.

Magoffin (APA-199

Entered inland waters of Qui Nhon Bay to offload troops during October 23-24, 1965 Conducted troop and supply landings at Da Nang and other Vietnam locations from October 1965 through February 1966 and May through November, 1967.

Markab (AR-23)

Conducted repair operations on inland Ganh Rai Bay during November 1967.

Mataco (ATF-86)

Provided tow on Saigon River and delivered vessels to inland river base at Nha Be during June-August 1968.

McKean (DD-784)

Operated on Mekong and Saigon River Deltas during March 14-15, 1967.

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