Hidden VA Money


  • A VA rating of 70% or higher will allow a veteran-claimant to reside in a federal VA nursing home, at no charge.  Other stipulations may arise resulting in minimal fees.



  • When a veteran is rated at 100% disability or if rated as individual unemployability (IU), the veteran will receive the highest rating and the highest pay. Additionally, if a veteran is in need of additional aid of another person to help with activities of daily living (walking, bathing, dressing, toileting, etc.) there is an added supplemental compensation called “aid and attendance”.



  • Service connected disability income is not barred or reduced if you have other income (i.e. current employment or from Social Security Administration, etc.).



  • The level of your assets does not matter for service connected disability compensation.



  • VA compensation is tax free income.



  • Surviving Spouses and Dependents of Service Connected Disabled Veterans can file a claim for benefits.



  • If a veteran dies while his or her claim is pending before the VA approves it (submitted but not yet approved), the surviving spouse can continue to pursue the veteran’s claim for benefits (accrued benefits). In addition, the surviving spouse can make his or her own, independent claim for benefits (death indemnity claim).



  • Veterans who served in the country (boots on ground) of Vietnam anytime from February 28, 1961 through May 7, 1975, and later developed certain illnesses or diseases, are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange and, thus, have a service connected disability.



  • Serving in Vietnam is not a requisite to incur certain presumptive illnesses.

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What Every Veteran Should Carry 
No longer will you have to carry around your DD Form 214 as proof of your military service.  The Veteran ID Card will quickly establish you as a veteran, along with other essential benefits.  More...
Veteran ID Card
Veteran ID Card