Facebook Scam Targeting Veterans
July 28, 2016

Unfortunately for our Nation’s veterans, there is another egregious scam that’s surfaced on the Facebook social media platform.  The scam artists engage unsuspecting veterans on Facebook by inquiring about their veterans benefits.  Once the veteran is fully invested in the online dialogue, the scammers inevitably ask for the veteran’s telephone number so they can discuss in greater detail how the veteran can gain VA benefits quickly, and easily.  Preliminary reports suggests that the scammers make their conversation seem as “official” as possible by using well scripted dialogue.  However, a few signals come up quickly that point toward a well-orchestrated scam.  The scammers:  1.)  Ask for the veteran’s social security number; 2.)  Ask the veteran to wire them hundreds of dollars for a “processing fee”;  3.)  Direct veterans to an unofficial government website ending in .org, .com., .net., .biz, so the veteran can quickly and easily make a “processing fee” payment.  Any website not ending in (.gov) is an unofficial Government website.  All Government websites end in .gov.


Jury Duty Scam

A group of con artists are currently contacting veterans stating that the veteran missed jury duty and now the veteran must pay a fine ranging from $500 - $1000.  Here’s how the scam works.  The thieves are posing as police officers from the neighborhood or city where the veteran resides, and the thieves are using real badge numbers, and real police officer names from the police force in the veterans’ city. If the veteran refuses to pay, the thieves threaten to stop disability payments or threaten to have the veterans wages garnished.  Do Not Be Alarmed!  This is a scam! 


Mystery Gadget Ripping Off Veterans

Veterans appear to be the latest targets for a crime that’s baffled law enforcement agencies everywhere.  Lately, the criminals particularly like VA, CBOC, and Vet Center parking lots to commit their crimes.  All over America, criminals are using improvised electronic devices to electronically unlock vehicles and steal whatever they find inside. These “mystery gadgets” reportedly recreate the same signals that the key fobs that so many of us carry around send out. Footage is popping up nationwide of thieves using these “mystery gadgets” to remotely unlock car doors and disable alarm systems. Once a car has been unlocked, it takes these thieves just a few moments to take what they want before leaving without a trace. This is now happening all over the country, and authorities do not know any way to prevent it from happening. For now, the most common piece of advice that police are giving to veterans and the general public is to not leave any valuables inside your vehicle at all.


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What Every Veteran Should Carry 
No longer will you have to carry around your DD Form 214 as proof of your military service.  The Veteran ID Card will quickly establish you as a veteran, along with other essential benefits.  More...
Veteran ID Card

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