The American Council on Education's (ACE) College Credit Recommendation Service (CREDIT) provides access to academic credit for formal courses and examinations taken outside traditional degree programs. The ACE Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services contains recommended credit awards for formal military courses and occupations.                                  
The Department of Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) sponsors several programs that advance the acceptance of military education and experience at civilian colleges and universities. Information is available on the DANTES website for these programs and obtaining transcripts for the programs already used.                                    
Transcript Services
Each branch of service provides transcripts for current and former service members that include individual military education, training, and experience, which are evaluated according to ACE standards for recommended college credit:                                          
U.S. Army: Army/American Council on Education Registry Transcript System (AARTS) U.S. Navy: Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART) U.S. Air Force: Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) U.S. Marine Corps: Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART) U.S. Coast Guard: U.S. Coast Guard Institute (CGI)  GED: Obtain your GED transcript based on the original testing center. DSST
The DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSSTs) are approved by ACE and accepted or administered at over 1,900 colleges and universities nationwide. DSSTs enable people to use the knowledge acquired outside the classroom to accomplish educational and professional goals. The website includes downloadable forms, practice tests, and other information.

Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) is a consortium of over 1800 colleges and universities pledged to support the higher education needs of military personnel. SOC works with civilian and military educators to overcome obstacles associated with gaining a college education when pursued through traditional means. Among its key goals is the award of credit for military training and experience. The SOC Consortium Guide provides specific information for awarding credit for national testing programs, military experience, and other non-traditional learning.


Service members, reservists, and veterans are encouraged to review their military transcript, obtained from their branch of service, alongside the institutions’ credit-award information contained in the SOC Consortium Guide. They should contact the school SOC Representative and Veterans’ Coordinator for additional information.                                                   
Many public and private Wisconsin institutions (e.g., UW-Madison) accept SOC recommendations, including accepting some or all DSSTs, CLEPs, and ACE recommendations for college credit.                                           
Federal G.I. Bill Benefits"If you served after September 10, 2001, and are currently using the WI GI Bill or plan to use the WI GI Bill; DO NOT MAKE AN IRREVOCABLE CHOICE TO CHANGE TO POST 9/11 Chapter 33 FEDERAL BENEFITS UNTIL YOU HAVE ALL THE FACTS.                                       
The Wisconsin State Approving Agency (SAA) approves programs for the enrollment of veterans and other eligible persons that lead to educational, vocational, and professional objectives. These include college degrees, vocational certificates and diplomas, high school diplomas, GEDs, flight training, correspondence training, and programs leading to required licensure or certification to practice a profession.                                             
The Wisconsin SAA maintains a searchable database listing all institutions offering college degrees and non-college degree programs in Wisconsin approved for the following programs:                                      
High School Diplomas
Local School Boards in the state of Wisconsin, under the authority of Wisconsin Statutes section 120.13 (37), may award a high school diploma to veterans who left high school before receiving a high school diploma to join the U.S. armed forces during a statutorily designated war period                                
Veterans Leaving Active Duty


Veterans transitioning from active duty should be aware that several state and federal benefits and services are tied to your discharge date. To find out more about the time frames and eligibility contact a County Veterans Service Officer.

Veterans Employment RepresentativesThe Department of Labor's Veterans' Employment and Training Service (VETS) program makes employment assistance available to all Wisconsin veterans in local one-stop job centers. The Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP) and Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVER) are the two primary programs providing employment and training services to eligible veterans.                                                 
Veterans Representatives (DVOPs or LVERs) provide the latest information on local labor markets. They offer workshops and guidance on resume writing, job interviewing skills, and job seeking skills. They also identify training and education needs. They can help veterans make career choices by assessing aptitudes, interests, and abilities through the use of aptitude tests and career counseling.                                                          
Locate a Veterans Employment Representative at your local Wisconsin Job Center by calling toll-free 888-258-9966.                                                         
Veterans as Apprentices
In Wisconsin, the Department of Workforce Development Bureau of Apprentice Standards reviews and approves registered apprenticeship and formal on-the-job training programs for veterans. To determine if you are eligible to get employment through apprentice or on-the-job training programs which could lead to professional certification and/or licensing, review the Apprenticeship in Wisconsin booklet and contact an Apprenticeship Standards field representative in your area.
The HireVetsFirst program is a national initiative established by the Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) of the Department of Labor (DOL). The objective is to assist America’s veterans seeking employment and assist employers to “Hire a Veteran First" for "American Excellence at Work”.                                                            
State of Wisconsin PSA Stressing The Importance of Hiring Veterans First
The HireVetsFirst website has a veteran zone and an employer zone. Employers will find resources needed to match their job openings with veterans. Veterans will find tools including the Military Skills Locator, Resume Writer, transition assistance, and job listings to assist in their employment search.                                                                        


Employers can contact a Wisconsin Job Service Veterans Employment Representative to learn about the "HireVetsFirst" program and to receive a free “We Hire Veterans” display emblem. Veterans can contact Veterans Employment Representatives for career and employment assistance including local employers who "HireVetsFirst."

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