How can I receive educational benefits?
A monthly educational assistance allowance is payable to veterans who qualify for one of VA’s educational assistance programs.  Each program has a unique eligibility specified by law, and only one program can be used at any given time.  If you need help with your education benefits, you can call toll-free by dialing 1-888-442-4551.                                 
How can I receive government life insurance?
If you receive a rating for a new service-connected disability (even 0%), you may be eligible for govenemnet life insurance if you are in good health (except for the service-connected conditions) and apply within two years of this notification of your new disability rating.  Call our toll free number 1-800-669-8477.                                   
Are my benefits exempt from claims or creditors?
Compensation payments are exempt from claims or creditors.  With certain exceptions the payments are not assignable and are not subject to attachment, levy or seizure except as to claims of the United States.
If I ever cancel my health care coverage, may I re-enroll?
You may reapply for enrollment at any time by completing a new VA Form 10-10EZ, Application for Health Care Benefits.  You may call 1-877-222-8387 to reapply by telephone.  Please note that you will be considered a new applicant and eligibility for enrollment will be based upon eligibility requirements in place at the time of re-enrollment
What is a geographic income limit?
Recognizing the cost of living can vary significantly from one geographic area to another, therefore, Congress added income limits based on geographic locations to the existing VA income limits for financial assessment purposes.  Veterans whose income falls between the VA income limit and the geographic income limit for the Veteran’s locale will have their inpatient medical care copayments reduced by 80%.
What happens if, at the end of the process, my income is verified to be higher than the income limits?
Your copay status will be changed from copay exempt to copay required, which may result in disenrollment due to enrollment restrictions for Veterans whose income exceeds the income limits.  VA facilities involved in your care will be notified of your change in status and to initiate billing for services provided during that income year. Your enrollment priority status may be changed if your financial status is adjusted by the income verification (IV) process.  If your enrollment status is changed, you will be notified by mail.
As a veteran, am I eligible for dental care?
Dental benefits are provided by the VA according to law.  In some instances, VA is authorized to provide extensive dental care, while in other cases, treatment may be limited.The eligibility for outpatient dental care is not the same as for most other VA medical benefits and is categorized in classes.  For instance, if you are eligible for VA dental care under Class I, II(c) or IV, you are eligible for any necessary dental care to maintain or restore oral health and masticatory function, including repeat care.  Other classes have time and/or service limitations.

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