How to Win a VA Claim

Combat veterans get five years of free medical/dental care. They also lowered the standards to qualify for VA medical care for regular veterans because they are teaching hospitals and need more human guinea pigs for their research projects, human experiments, experimental medication and techniques and for medical students to practice on (Research grants is where they get most of their operating money). Apply at your local VA hospital or clinic.


Veterans with 50 percent service-related disability rating from the Department of Veterans Affairs or a 40 percent rating due to lower limb amputation can get a free drivers license and disabled veteran license plates. For veteran license plates go to: They have radio frequency chips in them that allow you to drive thru some Texas toll roads without paying. Read which toll roads qualify at: . Just be sure to ditch the plates when the stuff hits the fan because they can be used to track you, as can your cell phones and bank cards. Note: There is a difference between regular DV (disabled veteran) tags and the DV tags with the handicap symbol. You need the handicap symbol to park in handicap parking. Dont get a ticket.


Fill out the veteran driver license form at: 


Veterans can get Free Texas State Park Admission: and free annual or lifetime passes: . See if you qualify.


Veterans also can get Hazelwood Act educational assistance. (tuition exemption- See your college veteran representative);


Lowes and Home Depot give a 10% discount (must have a VA hospital ID with service-connected written under your picture or a VA letter of service-connected disability);


Spring Dodge Chrysler Dealership gives a $500.00 discount. I don’t know if that’s still going on;


With the DV (disabled veteran) tag, most government buildings garages give free parking and most theme parks give preferred parking; of course you need the disabled symbol on your tags to park in any handicap parking. This offer differs from place to place, so check first.


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Your Very Own Veteran ID Card

Veteran ID Card w/Picture
Veteran ID Card
No longer will you have to carry around your DD Form 214 as proof of your military service.  The Veteran ID Card will quickly establish you as a veteran, along with other essential benefits.  More...

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