VA Compensation Takes Time
(Continued from Page 4)  As a Senior Non-Commissioned Officer in Korea during over 7 years on four different tours, many times I was tasked to have weeds removed from fence lines around our units perimeter and motor pool areas. This was accomplished with a white powdery substance that was mixed with water and then sprayed on the weeds. This substance or powdery substance was marked with a Cross-bone and skull saying poisonous, but was not marked as Agent Orange that I recall. I believe all it said was vegetation remover.
At the time of using this powdery substance, Agent Orange was not a big thing or complications of using it were not known, time frame 1975-1987 the time period that I served in Korea. (May 8, 2001, is when the government first recognized the use of herbicides in Korea, which was 32 years later). I and my troops were exposed to Agent Orange long after the presumptive dates of 1968-1969. I stated above vegetation remover, the military uses different names on lots of different products, in example: A zipper is a metal slide fastener, etc., that is probably why it was listed as vegetation remover so that any soldier would know what that powdery substance was used for. Yes we were soldiers and of course we put on our NBC suits and gloves before mixing this mixture up, NO that is not what we did, we mixed it up getting it spilled on us, etc., who would have known that it would cause so many problems later in life.

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