VA Compensation Takes Time
(Continued from Page 5)  I was diagnosed with Hypertension (Hi Blood Pressure) during my military career and in my first claim at VA which I believe was brought on by Agent Orange. If this is the case in 1994 and before, then I was still developing Diabetics Mellitus Type II or it was not checked for. The reason I state this is at numerous appointment at the VA clinic prior to January 2004 I was seeing a dietician, I was told that I could be borderline Diabetic more than once. There is no borderline Diabetic, you are either Diabetic or not. The technician could not say or diagnose it as they were not a doctor and not allowed to make that diagnoses, in fear of losing their licenses. Over the years I have heard that same thing from other people and other Veterans, there PA, nurse; specialty technicians have stated to them that there are borderline Diabetic. I have corrected them or advised them and said there is no borderline you are either Diabetic or not, have your Doctor tell you, as he or she is the only one that can make that diagnoses, that is why they are doctors.
I served in the 2nd Infantry Division Artillery which is a designated unit (DOD has identified specific units that served in areas along the DMZ in Korea where herbicides were used). My service records show that I served with the 2nd Inf. Division Artillery. To be exact my unit was Battery E, 25 Field Artillery, (TAB). The TAB stands for Target Acquisition Battery. We operated the four major counter battery radar sites on the DMZ. Those sites were site 4 at 4 papa 1 (Freedom or Liberty Bridge), Site 12, Site 11, and Site 13. All of the other radar sites on the DMZ were smaller and were operated by Military Intelligence units. We used this powdery substance on those radar sites to control the growth of vegetation so that we could observe the movement of the North Korea troops.
As I stated above, do not give up on your claim continue to complain and complain and maybe we can do something for the soldiers that are still trying to get claims approved through the VA and with any luck your claim may also be approved.
Gary L. Guy
Retired Disabled Veteran
U.S. Army

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