To support your claim for service-connection, the evidence must show:
1. You had an injury in military service, or a disease that began in or was
made permanently worse during military service, or there was an event in service that caused an injury or disease;
2. You
have a current physical or mental disability. This may be shown by medical evidence or by lay evidence
of persistent and recurrent symptoms of disability that are visible or observable; AND
3. A relationship exists
between your current disability and an injury, disease, or event in military service. Medical records or
medical opinions are generally required to establish this relationship.
However, under certain circumstances.
VA may presume that certain current disabilities were caused by
service, even if there is no specific evidence proving this in your particular claim. The cause of a disability
is presumed for the following veterans who have certain diseases:
· Former prisoners of war
Veterans who have certain chronic or tropical diseases that become evident within a specific period
of time after discharge from service;
· Veterans who were
exposed to ionizing radiation, mustard gas, or Lewisite while in service;
Veterans who were exposed to certain herbicides, such as by serving in Vietnam; or
Veterans who served in the Southwest Asia theater of operations during the Gulf War.
VA is Responsible for
Getting the Following Evidence:
Relevant records that you adequately identify and authorize VA to obtain from any Federal agency.
These may include records from the military, VA medical centers (including private facilities where VA authorized treatment),
or the Social Security Administration.
· VA
will provide a medical examination for you, or get a medical opinion, if we determine it is necessary to decide your compensation
On Your Behalf, VA Will Make Reasonable Efforts to Get the Following
Evidence: Relevant records not held by a Federal agency that
you adequately identify and authorize VA to obtain. These may include records from State or local governments,
private doctors and hospitals, or current or former employees.
Can You Help: If you have any information or evidence that you have not previously told us about
or given to us, please tell us or give us that evidence now. If the evidence is not in your possession,
you must give us enough information about the evidence so that we can request it from the person or agency that has it.
If the holder of the evidence declines to give it to us, asks for a fee to provide it, or VA otherwise cannot get the
evidence, we will notify you.