Did You Know?

Military veterans who say they were sickened by lingering amounts of the herbicide Agent Orange aboard repurposed airplanes after the Vietnam War now have some strong scientific support for their claims. A new study has found that veterans who were exposed to aircraft that had previously sprayed Agent Orange over Vietnam during the war may have been exposed to dioxin levels above Department of Defense (DoD) standards for maximum permissible exposure to poisonous chemicals. U.S. Air Force and VA policies do not currently recognize "dried residues" of herbicide and dioxin as harmful. The study, "Post-Vietnam Military Herbicide Exposures in UC-123 Agent Orange Spray Aircraft," was published Feb. 21 in the scientific journal Environmental Research.  For more information call 1-703-549-0060.


USMC Scholarship

The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation has established the EOD Marine Memorial Scholarship, which will be awarded to a student beginning in the upcoming 2014-2015 academic year. To be eligible, applicants must: (1) be the child of an active duty, reserve or veteran U.S. Marine who has received an honorable discharge or was killed while serving in the Corps; (2) be the child of U.S. Navy Corpsmen who is serving or have served; (3) have a GPA of at least 2.0; (4) meet an income requirement; and (5) plan to attend an accredited undergraduate college, university or vocational/technical institution in the upcoming academic year. The Scholarship Foundation gives particular attention to children whose parent has been killed or wounded in action.


VA Caregiver Support Line

The Department of Veterans Affairs' (VA's) Caregiver Support Line facilitates monthly telephone education groups for family caregivers of Veterans with a theme of "Care for the Caregiver." A different topic is presented every month with the goal of helping Caregivers develop tools and strategies to help balance the demands of caregiving, while also focusing on the importance of self-care. These groups are available to any family caregiver currently caring for a Veteran enrolled in VA healthcare. Veterans enrolled in VA healthcare who are caring for a loved one at home are also eligible to participate. For more information or to register for a group, please contact your local Caregiver Support Coordinator at 1-800-827-1000.


Emergency Fund for Veterans

When natural disasters like tornadoes, floods or wildfires strike, The American Legion's National Emergency Fund swiftly delivers needed money to veterans in their communities. Legionnaires and Sons of The American Legion members (up to $1,500) Legion Posts (up to $5,000) are eligible for funds to meet immediate needs only such as temporary housing, food, water, clothing, diapers, etc. Applicant must have been displaced from their primary residence due to a declared natural disaster and provide proof of out-of-pocket expenses. For more information, call 1-800-433-3318.


Additional Payments Authorized

Did you know that an additional monthly payment is authorized when the veteran has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of:

1.    One or more creative organs

2.    One foot

3.    One hand

4.    One eye

5.    Hearing – deafness of both ears

6.    Speech – aphonia

CREATIVE ORGAN (38 CFR 3.350(a)(1)(i)-(iv))

Entitlement to a (k) rating exists when there is acquired loss or loss of use of one or both testicles or ovaries or other creative organs. Elective surgery such as vasectomy or loss of use of a creative organ following menopause would not be considered loss or loss of use of a creative organ. Even though there may be loss or loss of more than one creative organ, the law provides that only one (k) award can be granted for this function. 

See your VSO for more details.

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What Every Veteran Should Carry 
No longer will you have to carry around your DD Form 214 as proof of your military service.  The Veteran ID Card will quickly establish you as a veteran, along with other essential benefits.  More...
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Veteran ID Card

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