How to Win Survey Results
August 2014 


John Morgan

Branch: Navy

Dealing With The VA

My health issues started mostly about 1981 ten years after getting out of the military.  Filed a claim and got 20% had pain, swelling and arthritis in right knee.  Missed some work for Postal Service stated I was unfit and so reopened my claim then the VA put me to 10% only for the arthritis.  About 10 years later reopened for had more health issues with joint pains, neck, back, type II diabetes and other unexplained conditions.  VA kept denying my claims as not service connected.  After a while they gave me 40% and still pursued some of the conditions they denied.  Moved to Arizona and finally got 70% for kidney stones repeated with hospitalization a number of times with the VA denying it even when sent to the hospital by the VA Clinic in Bellemont, AZ. I moved back to Washington State and got the Arizona rating of 70% but pursued for all the conditions were related to type II diabetes, de-generative joint disease in both my knees and right with arthritis but still refuses to acknowledge that my other joints de-generation and pain are due to service connected with the diabetes being the cause.  Just between 2012 and now have gotten rating of 90% and 10% for unemployability.  They still ask in a form if I worked at all and with my back can not sit or stand with walking without about 100 yards and pain progressively gets worse.  I retired with the Postal Service about 1999 and lucky I did before all my health issues got this bad.  Since I am getting 100% disability do not want to fight with the VA for another 32 years like it took this time.  All of it should be service connected but to the VA it isn't and never will be.  I talked to a reporter after a BVA hearing and we were told if the reporter did not have permission to speak to any one individual they would have to leave.  In other words so it could be controlled who they talked to.  So I told the reporter I would be willing to speak on the street where they can not control it.  What happened afterwards my disability direct deposit was lost and had to get a congressman investigating and lucky I had saved my income tax return to cover what the disability deposit would have been.  I requested to see what account it was sent to but would not give me an answer for that.  Some bogus setup account the VA has for any veterans that speak against the VA but now at least congress is getting involved and maybe in the next ten years something will really be done but not got my hopes up.  I have submitted three ships I was on that either docked, anchored or at a pier along other ships.  They are considered Blue Water Navy even after going into harbors surrounded by land with a one mile channel into them.  Firing missions close to shore where the dirt into the air with winds blowing out toward the ships.  The ships filtering the water for showers, cooking, drinking, etc from the waters off shore and in harbors with 1945 or older ships equipment for filtering.  The three ships have not been added to the list and probably never will as well as many others.  Everything I have gotten recognized is thru a VSO and a congressman or congresswoman.  Veterans should not have to go thru all this and the VA saying they will help the veteran get this information is next to non existent and always has been.  Best to get outside 2nd opinions for the conditions for the VA specialty clinics are over booked so just pass you thru and just by having you show up they done their jobs.  That is why went to an outside orthopaedic surgeon or would have never gotten taken care of.  To all veterans go to your congressman, VSO and outside doctors to verify you conditions and even then the VA does not want to recognize it.  They even go so far as to say that they need more information to verify the evidence and I just sent them the same stuff.  Two months later they say we already have this information and my response is why did you say you didn't have it then.  One delay after another is the way they get you to give up and never wasn’t to recognize the issues or say you should have had this problem within a year after getting out of the service.  Where most of the conditions takes years to take there toll and get worse over time and it is not all due to age or genetics and hereditary like they try to pass it on as.  I just hope Congress does go after the ones that are responsible but if they have enough protection from important people above them may get away with it anyway or delay which they are good at.  Best of Luck to all you vets out there that don't take the VA for what they say for they two time you.

Quancidine Gribble

Branch: Army

Have Not Received My Benefits!!!!

My name is Quancidine Hinson-Gribble and my late husband, Robert Gribble passed almost three years ago and I have still not received my benefits!!!  My case has been basically interrupted many times due to "FRAUDULENT" information being sent to the VA to "STOP" me from receiving my benefits because I contacted President Barack Obama about the "FRAUD" that is happening to widows at the "SURVIVORS OUTREACH CENTER" on Fort Bragg, NC. The Identity Theft, the theft of Government Issued ID cards, Survivors Benefits and the rerouted of our Income Tax Refund checks have finally made a full circle and people are beginning to be arrested. I have sent over 500 pages of documentation to several agencies that verifies that these "CRIMES" have taken place. The problem is, "I STILL HAVE NOT RECEIVED MY BENEFITS". My late husband Robert Gribble did not spend almost twenty-three years in the Army and become a highly decorated Special Forces Soldier and a proud Veteran for me to be left behind to "FIGHT" for my benefits.  Yet thousands of "WIDOWS OF VETERANS" are fighting against employees in the VA, DFAS and DEERS. 

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